Sunday, August 1, 2010

First Office

Today, still operating as an OSJ of my previous employer, we opened our first office. Initially the sole intention was merely soliciting investors and IRA's, but once in the new space I realized that there was more potential than previously anticipated.

Luckily for the future of the company I chose a less ostentatious location than many of my peers, as the easy commute and affordable rent definitely proved to make a difference later on. Although at the time, I had considered this location ideal primarily because of the perceived ease of recruiting a few finance interns from Kean to help manage paperwork and day to day operations, Scrier as a whole lucked out because the real value of this first office came not from the initial room, or even the convenient location, but from the ample room to expand provided by the relatively empty third floor of our building.

Almost eight months after coming up with the idea, we finally had a home.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Inauguration Day

Many of these posts are being added retroactively, but as the Managing Partner, I feel a documented history of the company is important, so here goes:

Today we launched. Well, that would be a bit of an overstatement, today I made the first phone calls, soliciting the first investors for what would someday become Scrier Funds, LLLP, and all it's many subsidiaries.

I also came up with a wicked cool name.

Other than that, no real progress.